Texas Worksite Accident & Injury Attorneys
Workplace Injury Lawyers Dedicated to Fighting for What You Deserve
Increased demand in the oil and construction industries has made workers more vulnerable to serious injuries, and even death, while on the job. When working with heavy equipment, power tools, scaffolding, ladders, electricity, and high-pressure or toxic materials, even a small mistake can quickly turn into a grave emergency. For accident victims and their families, these incidents are life-changing.
Texas, which has robust oil and construction industries, leads the nation in the number of fatal injuries suffered on the job. Employees in these industries often don’t realize that many workplace accidents aren't covered under workers’ compensation benefits. Our experienced team of workplace injury lawyers at Slack Davis Sanger has successfully represented workers who have been involved in the following types of incidents:
Oilfield Injuries & Accidents
Oil and gas extraction workers are seven times more likely to die on the job than U.S. workers in general. One of the top reasons for workplace fatalities is falling. Another significant source of on-the-job injuries in the oil industry is fatigued driving. Many workers drive significant distances on rural, poorly-maintained roads, after long, physically demanding days.
Employers can slow and eventually reverse these heartbreaking statistics through increased safety training and measures.
The attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger have built a reputation for excellence when it comes to providing experienced counsel to victims of oilfield accidents and their families. Whether you have a personal injury or wrongful death claim, our team can identify the liable party and the best approach to recovering damages.
Construction Injuries & Accidents
An average of more than two construction workers die every day in the United States as a result of falls, being struck by an object, electrocutions, being caught in machinery, or between objects. These tragic incidents can result in burns, head injuries, spinal cord damage, lacerations, loss of limbs, hearing loss, repetitive stress injuries, heat stroke, vision loss, crushed, fractured, or broken bones, and even death.
Crew foremen, general contractors, and property owners are responsible for protecting the safety of construction workers. The work environment at a construction site may be so fast-paced that workers are at risk of injury (or even death) as a result of an error in judgment.
Workers involved in construction site accidents are often unsure of who is liable for their injuries or how to recover damages. Experienced workplace injury attorneys, such as the lawyers at Slack Davis Sanger, can help you secure the most optimal financial recovery.
“The whole staff at Slack Davis Sanger went above and beyond to make sure that we not only got the best settlement and verdict, but that we were aware, knowledgeable, and comfortable with all that went on before, during, and after the trial.” - Leon Hagerman, Client
How often are Texas workers injured on the job?
According to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), 608 Texans were killed on the job in 2019, up from 488 in 2018. TDI also reports 187,600 non-fatal injuries and illnesses from the same year. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that some of the highest occupational fatalities in Texas come from the construction and oil/gas extraction industries.
Employers can slow and eventually reverse these heartbreaking statistics through increased safety training and measures, particularly for new workers. The attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger have built a reputation for excellence when it comes to providing experienced counsel to victims of industrial accidents.
Whether you have a catastrophic injury or wrongful death claim, our team can identify the liable parties and the best approach to recovering damages for your losses.
What are the workers’ compensation laws in Texas?
Texas differs from other states when it comes to workers’ compensation benefits. Texas employers can choose to opt out of workers’ compensation insurance unless they are public entities. The Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation reports that about 28% of private employers do not offer workers’ comp, which affects about 18 percent of the state’s workforce.
When a worker is injured on the job and has no workers’ compensation to fall back on, they can turn to the injury attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger for guidance and help.
Why is oil field work so dangerous?
It only takes one mistake in oil field worksites or offshore oil drilling to cause a catastrophic accident. These incidents occur for a variety of reasons, mostly safety-related. These include:
Transportation accidents, including motor vehicle and aviation crashes. Workers must travel back and forth to oil rigs and fields. This requires trucks, boats, or even helicopters. Untrained pilots, bad weather, and defective parts can all contribute to these types of accidents.
Explosions and fires, which are tragically common in the oil and gas industries. Working with flammable liquids and gases requires the highest safety protocols in every area, and the smallest lapse in judgment can lead to severe or fatal burn injuries.
Heavy equipment accidents, which often lead to crushing and loss of limb injuries. Workers can also be struck by objects, suffering brain injuries, broken bones, or other physical trauma.
Limited access to first aid. When an injury occurs on an offshore oil rig, or out in the oil field, it may take hours for emergency personnel to reach them. In cases where a worker is suffering traumatic brain injury or internal hemorrhaging, this delay in treatment could cost them their life.
Why is construction work so dangerous?
Like oilfield workers, construction workers also deal with many dangers on the job. Heavy equipment and power tools along with a busy and fast-paced workplace often leads to negligent or reckless behavior. Common construction site accidents and dangers include:
Falls. Construction work typically calls for ladders, scaffolding, and climbing. Employers should provide workers with proper protection, like safety harnesses and lines, and ensure they are in good condition. Falls are one of the most common construction site accidents, and are often deadly.
Equipment malfunctions. When heavy machinery doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, workers can suffer serious injuries. Defective equipment can cause amputation injuries, electrocution, or loss of vision or hearing.
Electric shock and electrocution. An electric shock can be caused by faulty wires or tools, overhead power lines, missing ground-fault protection, or even misuse of extension cords on a site. These shocks can cause burn injuries, cardiac arrest, and/or nerve or muscle damage. Electrocution – where a current passes through the body – is one of the top four causes of death on construction sites.
Burn injuries. Workers can easily suffer burns on construction sites. Electrical and arc/flash burns are common, but welding sparks are also a risk, as are chemical burns. If there is a fire or an explosion on the site, both workers and passersby are at risk.
Trench or excavation collapse. One cubic yard of soil can weigh as much as two tons; when a trench collapses, workers can be buried under that weight almost immediately. When the collapse was caused by negligence, an act of weather, or other reason, Slack Davis Sanger can help.
Overexertion injuries. Construction work is a physical job, requiring heavy lifting and repetitive movements. Workers may experience back injuries and other soft-tissue injuries that worsen over time. For some, these injuries develop into permanent and disabling conditions.
Toxic exposure. Many workers also experience exposure to dangerous substances during construction, whether through inhalation or skin contact. They can suffer chemical burns, respiratory problems, lung diseases, and other physical issues.
The Austin injury attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger will investigate exactly how your injury occurred, and who should be held accountable for the trauma you’ve experienced.
How do workplace accidents and injuries happen?
The majority of workplace accidents happen due to violations of safety procedures. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets safety standards in the workplace, and if your employer violates those standards, we will hold them accountable. For the year 2020, OSHA reported the following top 10 cited safety violations:
- Fall Protection
- Hazard Communication Standards
- Respiratory Protection
- Scaffolding
- Ladders
- Control of Hazardous Energy
- Powered Industrial Trucks
- Fall Protection – Training Requirements
- Eye and Face Protection
- Machinery and Machine Guarding
However, these aren’t the only reasons accidents occur in the workplace. Human error, or negligence, also leads to incidents causing injuries. When a worker fails to follow safety protocol, is untrained on how to use tools or machines, or does not know how to implement emergency procedures, a small mistake can turn into a large-scale tragedy.
If another person’s on-the-job negligence caused harm to you or a loved one, the attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger are ready to help.
How can a workplace accident attorney help me?
When Slack Davis Sanger takes your case, they will work quickly to establish who is liable for your injuries. Liability often falls on another employee on the job site, your employer, the owner of the property, or some combination.
In some cases, defective or malfunctioning equipment may have caused your injuries, and you may need to file a claim against the manufacturer, tool, or machine. Finally, you may be eligible to take action against third-party contractors. Our attorneys can help establish who is at fault and guide you through the entire process.
We understand that workers’ compensation is not available to all Texas workers and contractors. Even with the medical and wage insurance that workers’ compensation provides, sometimes it is simply not enough to account for your losses. Slack Davis Sanger will work to recover all of the damages to which you are entitled, including pain and suffering.
When you have been injured in a workplace accident, you need trusted counsel and expert litigators to hold the liable party (or parties) accountable. The attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger have spent their careers helping clients who were injured in tragic accidents and have been recognized as U.S. News Best Law Firms of 2023, achieving Metropolitan first-tier ranking for Dallas/Fort Worth for both personal injury litigation and product liability litigation You can trust the team at Slack Davis Sanger to represent you in your workplace accident case.