Dallas Car Accident Lawyers, Texas
Seasoned representation for car crash victims throughout Dallas County
Car travel is essential to living and working in Dallas. In an instant, a life can end in a fatal crash. In a second, a car occupant or bystander can suffer a catastrophic injury. Drivers who fail to follow the traffic laws deserve to be held accountable for the deaths and injuries they cause.
At Slacks Davis Sanger, our Dallas car accident lawyers have 200 years of combined experience fighting for families and personal injury victims. We work with investigators, the police, and, when necessary, traffic reconstruction experts to determine how the accident happened and who is responsible. We work with your medical team and independent healthcare providers to fully understand how devastating and life-altering your injuries are. We handle the complex cases – the ones involving numerous victims and/or numerous defendants. We handle the cases where injuries are permanent and require long-term medical care. Contact us to learn how we can help.
How serious are Dallas traffic accidents?
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in Dallas County, in 2020:
- 333 people died in vehicle accidents
- 1,438 people are believed to have been seriously injured
- More than 9,200 people suffered some type of injury
- There were 48,393 crashes during the year
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What are the leading causes of car accidents in Dallas?
The leading cause of car accidents in Dallas is driver negligence: drunk driving, fatigued driving, driver distraction, and failure to follow the rules of the road top the list of the primary causes of crashes in 2020.
Driver distraction. Drivers who are distracted cannot respond to emergencies. Drivers normally have a second to respond to dangers. When a driver is texting or talking on a cellphone, eating, drinking, or playing with the entertainment system – he/she cannot respond to cars nearby, changing traffic signals, or changing road conditions.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drunk drivers and drivers under the influence of drugs are a primary cause of fatal and catastrophic car accidents. In addition to the drunk/drugged driver not being in control of their car, other drivers cannot drive defensively around an impaired driver.
Driving while fatigued. Coffee and rolling down the windows are not examples of driving responsibly. If you are tired, you need to get off the road and rest or sleep.
Violation of the state and Dallas traffic laws. Many Dallas car accidents occur because drivers:
- Speed or drive too fast for the weather or traffic conditions
- Fail to merge properly or pass properly
- Run through stop signs or traffic signals
- Do not merge properly
- Drive recklessly
- Do not drive responsibly in work zones
Not all car accidents are caused by drivers, however. Some are the result of others failing to follow the rules, like pedestrians who fail to yield the right of way, or cyclists who ride where they are not allowed to ride. Others are caused by Uber and Lyft drivers, and even passengers in vehicles.
Another major cause of Dallas car accidents is defective car parts. Faulty brakes, defective suspension parts, and poorly designed steering columns can cause crashes. Defective seatbelts and airbags can result in death and serious injuries. The manufacturers of defective car parts can be held strictly liable for the crashes, deaths, and injuries the defects cause.
What are the different types of car accidents that cause serious injuries?
Collisions with other cars, stationary objects, 18-wheelers, and people – both pedestrians and cyclists – can have catastrophic results, depending on the type of crash and the speed at which both parties were traveling. The types of car accidents that often lead to serious injuries include:
Truck accidents. In collisions between a commercial vehicle and a car, the truck is likely to come out unscathed. The car, however, can be crushed beneath the force of the truck. Underride crashes are common, and law enforcement may need to use the “jaws of life” to extricate victims from the vehicle.
Head-on-collisions. While these crashes do not happen as often as other types of accidents, they are the deadliest. The impact of two cars colliding head-on, even if one car is stationary at the time, places a tremendous amount of force on the body. Even cars with crumple zones cannot fully protect their drivers and passengers.
Multi-vehicle crashes. These accidents usually happen as part of a chain-reaction. After the initial accident, many secondary accidents occur as other cars try to avoid the first crash or are struck by cars involved in the first crash. Our Dallas car accident lawyers are highly skilled at handling these very complex cases.
Broadside crashes. These accidents often occur at intersections. Broadsides (also called T-bone crashes) occur when the front of one car strikes the sides of another car. The occupants of the car struck on the side only have their doors for protection – which means many of these occupants die or suffer permanent harm.
Sideswipes. Here, the sides of the two cars collide with each other. These accidents usually occur when one car tries to pass another, or one car fails to merge properly. Sideswipes can cause one or both cars to spin out of control and into other cars or stationary objects.
Unrestrained driver/passenger car wrecks. A person can suffer serious injury in any wreck, but the chances of an injury being fatal are significantly higher if you’re not wearing a seat belt. Out of the 2,422 fatal accidents in Texas in 2020, 1,077 people were not wearing their seat belts.
At Slack Davis Sanger, we investigate the scene of the accident, examine the vehicles, and work with traffic collision experts (if necessary) to show how the accident happened.
What are the most dangerous roads in Dallas?
Analysis done by Money Geek found that “3 out of 10 deadliest 5-mile stretches in Texas are in Dallas.” After reviewing more than 10,000 fatal crashes – on more than 3,900 roads – between 2017 and 2019, Money Geek found that Stemmons Freeway (I-35E), specifically between the I-30 exchange and exit 434, is the deadliest stretch of road in Dallas. The Marvin D. Love Freeway between Camp Wisdom Road and Illinois Avenue is the second deadliest, and the Texas 12 Loop between S. Lancaster Road and Longacre Lane came is the fifth deadliest in the state.

What types of injuries do Dallas car accident victims suffer?
In the most tragic cases, the crash leads to fatalities. When these tragedies occur, we file wrongful death claims on behalf of the victim’s family. No money can ever compensate you for the loss of a loved one, but you should not be on the hook for the medical expenses, lost wages, funeral and burial costs, and other associated costs that come with the loss of your loved one. In cases of extreme negligence by commercial or government entities, a wrongful death lawsuit may be the impetus for real change in how things are done. Your lawsuit could help prevent others from suffering the same fate.
Survivors of serious car wrecks in Dallas could end up living in constant, chronic pain, or need ‘round-the-clock medical care for the rest of their lives. Slack Davis Sanger can help if you or a loved sustained a life-altering injury such as:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord damage including paralysis
- Serious burns, scarring and disfigurement
- Multiple broken bones
- Internal organ damage
- Loss of limb
- Damage to muscles, ligaments, muscles, tissues, and nerves
- Psychological harm
Who is liable for my injuries in a car accident in Dallas?
At Slack Davis Sanger, we work aggressively to hold all responsible parties liable for your injuries. Often, the driver is not the only responsible defendant. Depending on how the accident happened, we file claims against:
- The owners of the car (if different than the driver) because owners can be liable if they negligently entrusted the vehicle to a wreck less driver.
- The driver’s employer if the driver was in the course and scope of his/her employment when the crash occurred.
- A car manufacturer, distributor, or retailer of a defective car part that caused the crash or failed to properly mitigate against the injury.
- Taverns or vendors (via Texas’ dram shop law) that sold alcohol to a driver who was obviously intoxicated or was a minor.
- Texas, Dallas County, or other governmental units or agencies that may have designed faulty roads or failed to maintain the roads properly.
What steps should you take after a Dallas car accident?
Certainly, someone who has just been involved in a car crash can still be shaken, especially when someone is injured. If you are able, the very first thing you should do is move the vehicle to a safe place. If the car cannot be moved and you have access to road flares, put them up around the vehicle.
Then, call 9-1-1 to get EMS on the scene, and to alert the police to the crash. You will need an incident report for your case, but the primary concern is to get medical help as soon as possible. Once these calls have been made, alert your insurance company that you have been in a wreck.
After that, start taking pictures and video. Photograph the crash, the damage, the surrounding area, and any visible bruises. Take photos of the other car and the damage to it. Photograph the condition of the roads and road signs, too.
Finally, call Slack Davis Sanger. In a life-threatening wreck, you will need a lawyer to help protect you. Insurance companies don’t want to pay out on claims, and even if they agree to settle with you, they’ll offer you the least amount of money they can. If you take that settlement, you cannot go back and seek more money, even if your bills turn out to be much higher than you initially anticipated. When you hire a Dallas car accident lawyer, you have a better chance at being offered a just settlement, and you have a fighter in your corner if you need to go to trial – someone who has been with you from the start.
Do you have a Dallas car accident attorney near me?
Slack Davis Sanger’s Dallas location is 3500 Maple Ave, Suite #1250. We’re in the Parkside Tower, across from Reverchon Recreation Center. Parking is available.
The sooner you call an experienced Dallas car accident lawyer after a crash, the better
At Slack Davis Sanger, our Dallas car accident lawyers move quickly to investigate the accident. We conduct extensive discovery to help prove fault and justify your claim for pain and suffering, medical bills, lost income, and all other damages the law permits.
Dallas Office
3500 Maple Avenue
Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75219
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