Class Action

Knowledgeable Texas-Based Class Action Lawsuit Attorneys

Nationally recognized class action attorneys in Austin and Dallas

In most lawsuits, you, as an individual, submit a claim against the individual or company you believe has caused you injury—whether physical, emotional, or financial. In a class action lawsuit, however, you join other people who have similar claims and interests in seeking justice. Bringing multiple claims together carries more weight than each person’s claim might on its own. In the event of a settlement, each person with a claim receives their fair share of the compensation.

At Slack Davis Sanger, our team serves as passionate and experienced advocates for clients, holding negligent corporations accountable. Led by Partner John R. Davis, our skilled litigators can help you through all steps in the process, whether advising you during the discovery phase or helping you understand what happens when a case goes to trial. We have extensive experience seeking proper compensation in class action suits, and we fight tirelessly on your behalf for justice.

"[T]he Court finds that ... Class Counsel [John R. Davis and Michael L. Slack] have adequately represented the Settlement Class ... The reaction from the Settlement Class Members to the Settlement was very positive[.]" Grigson et al. v. Farmers Group, Inc., No. 1:17cv88 (W.D. Tex.) (Dkt. No. 206) (Court order granting final approval to a $52 million class settlement fund).

What is a class action lawsuit?

When an attorney files a standard lawsuit, it is either litigated in court or settled out of court on behalf of a certain individual, or a very limited number of individuals. Everyone involved in the suit is named as a plaintiff—meaning, the person or people bringing the suit against the defendant.

In a class action lawsuit, however, there is an entire group, or class, of people with similar claims and interests seeking help to redress a wrong or injury. When there are hundreds or even thousands of people with similar claims, it is simply inefficient to name each individual plaintiff in the suit. Trying a claim for a class of people means that more people who were wronged by a corporation or entity can get justice.

Further, there is strength in numbers. Bringing so many claims together in one lawsuit carries more weight than each individual claim might on its own. Additionally, if individual damages are likely too small to merit the cost of litigating an individual case, a class action may be the only cost-effective way to achieve justice for a corporate defendant’s misconduct. In the event of a judgment or settlement on a class basis, each class member receives their share of the large “class action pie.”

Class Action C

What are the types of class action lawsuits?

There are a variety of class action suits our attorneys may bring on behalf of a group of consumers harmed in a similar fashion. We can help if you or a loved one have suffered harm in any way, including the following:

Consumer rights and protection, which pursue compensation for your economic losses, usually as a result of excessive fees, ethically suspect business practices, fraud, antitrust claims, or defective products.

Securities claims that involve investors in a company who want to recover losses resulting from a managerial decision or your broker’s actions, which might include backdating of options, issuing inaccurate statements surrounding future earnings, or inconsistent accounting practices.

Environmental injuries, in which a group of people are exposed to a dangerous environmental hazard.

Mass torts, typically involving a large number of people who have personal injury claims against a company because of a dangerous product or business practice. These cases usually get consolidated into Multidistrict Litigation (“MDL”) proceedings, where a single judge appoints a select group of plaintiffs’ attorneys to MDL leadership roles in litigating the hundreds, or even thousands, of MDL-consolidated cases. The class action attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger currently serve in such court-appointed MDL leadership roles.

Medical devices and pharmaceuticals, which focus on patients harmed and injured by defective devices or dangerous drugs.

Civil rights cases, which have the goal of changing the discriminatory behavior of a particular group or entity.

Insurance class action cases that focus on policyholders whose insurance companies have committed acts of fraud, acted in bad faith, failed in their fiduciary duties, and more.

The class action lawyers at Slack Davis Sanger have experience navigating the complicated laws related to class action lawsuits. We can help you stand up to big corporations and recover the damages you need and deserve.

Slack Davis Sanger partners with law firms throughout the country in complex litigation matters. If you are in need of a local partner or wish to refer a case to us, we invite you to learn more about our services.

How do you file a class action lawsuit?

Due to their complexity and unique features, class action lawsuits require specialized lawyers with experience handling these types of claims. When the court certifies a class action lawsuit, it must first ensure the class is well-represented. When there is a large group of people who have all been wronged by the same party, a class action lawsuit may be the best course of action for seeking justice for everyone. With that in mind, filing a class action suit involves the following steps:

The very first step in filing a class action lawsuit is consulting with qualified attorneys who can determine whether the case is appropriate for a class action. Since class actions are uniquely complex, having a competent and specialize lawyer evaluate your claim is vital.

If a judge decides that the case is appropriate for class action certification, they will issue an order certifying the class action suit that includes a so-called “class definition” (i.e., defining who is or is not a class member) and naming the lead plaintiff(s) and their attorneys as class representatives and class counsel. Typically, there must be at least 40 or so class members to justify a class action lawsuit.

Once the lawsuit has been certified as a class action by the judge, all other potential plaintiffs are notified, so they can choose whether to opt out of the class. Sometimes, contacting every potential plaintiff is not possible or plausible, such as when there are so many potential class members that it would be impossible to gather all of their email addresses or other contact information to notify them of the suit. In these instances, the suit might be publicized online, on television, or in newspapers. In this way, the attorneys will have done their due diligence in making as many potential plaintiffs as possible aware of the legal proceedings.

Many class action lawsuits will eventually resolve through a class settlement. Unlike regular settlements, class settlements must be approved by the court as fair and adequate, which serves as an additional layer of protection of the interests of class members.

Our attorneys can walk you through this process so you do not have to worry about the paperwork and details. Consult with our legal team today for answers to any of your questions.

When should I file a class action lawsuit?

Our experienced Texas class action attorneys can advise you on the best time to bring a class action suit, and – more importantly – if it is in your best interest to participate.

Once a class action lawsuit is certified by the court as a class action, any member may opt out of the legal proceedings upon receiving notice that they have been included as part of the class action. If you do not opt out and the suit succeeds in securing compensation, then you will be eligible to receive your share of the damages along with those directly named in the suit.

Lead plaintiffs may be eligible for additional compensation in the form of a “service award” or “incentive award.” Such awards are at the discretion of the court and are made in recognition of their efforts to secure compensation for the entire class.

How long do class action lawsuits take?

There is no definitive answer to how long it may take for a class action lawsuit to resolve, as numerous factors come into play with these types of claims. These factors can include, for example, the size of the class – an action with only a few dozen plaintiffs will typically move more quickly than a class action with hundreds or thousands of plaintiffs.

Whether negotiating a fair settlement or litigating in trial, a class action suit could last anywhere from just under a year to two years or more. What is important is that you and other plaintiffs secure compensation for the harm you have suffered. Because class action lawsuits tend to be complex and call for a great amount of discovery, expert witnesses, evidence, and documentation, working with experienced counsel like Slack Davis Sanger can help you secure the best possible outcome.

Reliable Texas class action lawsuit attorneys

If you were a victim of fraudulent or ethically suspect business practices, have been denied good faith and fair dealing by your insurance company, or were harmed by dangerous business practices that have hurt numerous others in the same way, you may have grounds for a class action lawsuit, and the legal team at Slack Davis Sanger can help. We have extensive experience seeking proper compensation for plaintiffs in class action suits, and we fight tirelessly on our clients’ behalf for justice. To schedule a free consultation at one of our offices in Austin, Dallas, or Fort Worth, please call 800-455-8686 or fill out our contact form.