Paula Sweeney
Slack Davis Sanger, L.L.P.
Paula Fisette Sweeney practiced in Dallas with her partner John Howie for 22 years, until his untimely death, at the firm Howie & Sweeney, which they founded. She is now happily Partner in the Dallas office of Slack Davis Sanger, L.L.P., continuing to practice in her traditional area of health care liability, but also working on other complex medical, products, and traumatic injury cases.

She is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers and has been a Fellow of the International Society of Barristers. She is Past President of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association (1998), the Dallas Trial Lawyers Association (1991), and ABOTA-Dallas (2000) and previously served as a Governor of The Association of Trial Lawyers of America and on the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas. She served for 15 years on the Supreme Court Rules Advisory Committee and has also served on the Supreme Court Task Force on Medical Malpractice Discovery and the Supreme Court Task Force on The Jury Charge, and chaired the Chief Justice's Task Force on Judicial Selection. Honors include: “Champion of Justice Award” from Texas Watch, 2022, the Don Bowen Distinguished Lifetime Service Award from TTLA in 2022, recognition in 2013 by the Dallas Bar Association as its Trial Lawyer of the Year, being named a Legend of Trial Law by the DBA in 2012, receipt of the State Bar of Texas’ prestigious Gene Cavin Award for lifetime achievement in supporting Continuing Legal Education in Texas in 2019, Texas Nurses’ Association Health Care Professional of the Year award, Alumna of Distinction from the University of Dallas, D Magazine’s Best Lawyers in Dallas, every year since 2001, Texas Monthly’s Super Lawyers every year since 2003, and Texas Lawyers’ “Extraordinary Women in Texas Law” (2008) and Top 50 Women Lawyers in Texas (2009) and Best Lawyers in America (since 1995). Paula was recognized by D Magazine in the 2024 Women of Influence Issue.
- J.D., Dedman School of Law Southern Methodist University
- B.A. Philosophy, Cum Laude The University of Dallas
- Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Professional Associations
- American Board of Trial Advocates — Dallas Chapter, President (2000)
- Texas Trial Lawyers Association, President (1998)
- State Bar of Texas, Director (1992–1995)
- State Bar of Montana (2016-present)
- Dallas Trial Lawyers Association, President (1991)
- American Association for Justice, Governor (1990–1992)
- American College of Trial Lawyers, Fellow
- International Academy of Trial Lawyers (2006-2021)
- International Academy of Trial Lawyers, Fellow
- International Society of Barristers ( 2010-2021)
Honors & Awards
- D Magazine Women of Influence Issue, 2024
- Texas Watch’s Champions of Justice Award
- TTLA 2021 Don Bowen Distinguished Service Award
- Trial Lawyer of the Year, Dallas Bar Association, 2013
- Dallas Bar Association Legend of Trial Law, 2012
- The State Bar of Texas Gene Calvin Award for Lifetime Achievement, 2009
- Extraordinary Women in Texas Law, Texas Lawyer, 2008
- Thomson Reuters Super Lawyers, 2001-present
- The Best Lawyers in America® BL Rankings, 1995-present
- Best Lawyers in Dallas, D Magazine, 2001-present
- University of Dallas Alumna of Distinction
- Common Cause Texas Defender of Democracy Award, 2003
- AV Preeminent Rated by Martindale-Hubbell, 1986-present
Recent Publications
- “Case Law Update,” State Bar of Texas Advanced Medical Torts, Santa Fe, NM, March 2024
- “Cross Examination,” State Bar of Texas, Advanced Trial Strategies, New Orleans, February 2024
- “Overcoming the Problem Witness,” UT School of Law 2023 Car Crash Seminar, Austin, June 2023
- “Case Law Update,” State Bar of Texas, Advanced Medical Torts, San Antonio, March 2023
- "Case Law Update," State Bar of Texas Advanced Medical Malpractice Seminar, Santa Fe, NM, March 2022
- "Case Law Update," Texas Trial Lawyers Association, Annual Meeting, November 2021
- "Healthcare Liability Update," State Bar of Texas, Advanced Personal Injury Law Course, Summer 2021
- "Winning at Deposition, Overcoming the Problem Witness," University of Texas Law CLE, April 2021
- "Case Law Update," Virtual Seminar, State Bar of Texas, Advanced Healthcare Liability Seminar, March 2021
- "Preparing for Virtual Trials," Virtual Seminar, State Bar of Texas, Advanced Trial Strategies," February 2021
- "Presenting Complex Evidence" (State Bar of Texas [SBOT] Advanced Trial Skills Course, 2020)
- "What you Absolutely, Positively Gotta Know About Ch 74," Texas Trial Lawyers Annual Meeting, November 2020
- "Simplifying Complex Evidence," State Bar of Texas, Advanced Trial Strategies Panel, February 2020
- "7 Med Mal Mega Trends," Texas Trial Lawyers Association, Annual Meeting, November 2019
- "Healthcare Liability Update," State Bar of Texas, Advanced Personal Injury Course, Summer 2019
- "Case Law Update," State Bar of Texas Advanced Health Care Liability Seminar, March 2019
- "The Intersection of Litigation and Gender," Dallas Women Lawyers Association, March 2019
- "Cross Examination," State Bar of Texas Advanced Trial Strategies, Course Co-Director and Speaker, February 2019
- "Trends in Health Care Liability Litigation" (Texas Trial Lawyers Association Annual Meeting, 2019)
- "Cross Examination of Hostile Witnesses"(SBOT, 2014–present)
- "Statute of Limitations Under Chapter 74," Texas Trial Lawyers Association Annual Meeting, Medical Malpractice Seminar, December 2018
- "Saving the Jury Trial," Panel, Dallas Bar Association, November 2018
- "Deposing the Difficult Witness," State Bar of Texas, Advanced Evidence & Discovery Seminar, Summer 2018
- "Health Care Liability Case Law Update," State Bar of Texas, Advanced Medical Malpractice Seminar, March 2018
- "Jurors by Generation," State Bar of Texas Advanced Trial Skills Seminar Panelist, New Orleans, February 2018
- "Personal Injury Damages," State Bar of Texas, Damages in Civil Litigation Seminar, February 2018
- "Women and the Law," State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting (Dallas) Panelist, June 2017
- "Cross Examination of the Technical, Difficult or Uncooperative Witness" (SBOT, 2016)
- "The Perfect Storm: Strategies for Difficult Witnesses" (SBOT panel presentation, 2016)
- "Preparation and Trial of Medical Malpractice and Pharmacy Products Cases" (Montana Trial Lawyers Association Annual Summer Convention, 2015)
- "Making and Responding to Daubert Challenges — Perspectives from a Civil Lawyer" (SBOT, Advanced Criminal Law Course - 2015)
- "Trial Lawyer Tips, Techniques and Observations By and For Women Litigators" (Dallas Trial Lawyers Association, 2015)
- "Advanced Settlement — Why Your Case Won’t Settle" (SBOT, 2015)
- "Complex Evidence" (SBOT, 2015)
- "Complex Litigation" (University of Montana School of Law, 2014)
- "Women in the Courtroom" (Dallas Bar Association Tort & Insurance Practice Section, 2014)
- "Dealing with the Difficult Attorney" (Dallas Bar Association Judiciary Committee Panel Discussion, 2014)
- "Cross Examination of the Difficult Witness" (SBOT Annual Meeting, 2014)
- "Medical Malpractice Update: Themes and Mega-Trends" (SBOT, 2014)
- "Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Witnesses" (SBOT, 2014)
- "ABOTA Masters in Trial — Cutting Edge Cross Examination" (SBOT 30th Annual Litigation Update Institute, 2014)
- "Cross Examination" (Texas Trial Lawyers Association [TTLA} Advanced PI Seminar, 2013)
- "Tales From the Crypt" (TTLA Legends CLE, 2013)
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