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Have You Suffered a Serious Burn Injury in Texas?


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Have You Suffered a Serious Burn Injury in Texas?

Get Help From the Fort Worth, Dallas, and Austin Burn Injury Attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger

From house fires to faulty space heaters to chemical exposure, burns can happen in a variety of ways. These injuries are often very serious, leading to long-term complications and effects that can stay with a victim for a lifetime. The attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger understand the complex nature of burn injuries and the overwhelming medical expenses that come with them. Our legal team has decades of experience helping clients recover compensation when they sustain burn injuries from:

  • House fires
  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Hotel fires
  • Scalding liquids
  • Gas explosions
  • Chemical spills or exposure
  • Contact with hot objects
  • Electrocution
  • Defective appliances

Burn injuries fall into different categories depending on severity.

What are the different degrees of burn injuries?

The Austin and Dallas attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger advocate for clients who have suffered any type of burn injury, including the following:

  • First degree. Affecting only the top layer of skin, a first-degree burn typically heals on its own within one to two weeks.
  • Second degree. A second-degree burn penetrates into the second layer of skin, the dermis. Patients will notice severe redness, blisters, and pain, as the burn affects the nerves in the skin.
  • Third degree. A very serious burn, symptoms include charred skin with the burn going into the subcutaneous tissue. Patients may not feel pain as the burn may kill the nerves. Patients may require skin grafts.
  • Fourth degree. A fourth-degree burn is often fatal, reaching the bone. The patient may require an amputation of the affected body part.

Our Texas attorneys can file a wrongful death claim on your behalf in the tragic event your loved one loses their life due to their burn injuries.


Am I entitled to compensation for my burn injury?

When you are injured as a result of another’s negligence or recklessness, our Fort Worth, Dallas, and Austin attorneys work to secure the following on your behalf:

  • Medical expenses, current and future
  • Lost income and wages, including future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering, including physical and mental
  • Any property loss or other expenses related to your accident

Do you have a burn injury attorney near me?

Slack Davis Sanger serves the Austin and Dallas areas, as well as throughout the state. You can find our main offices in Austin, Texas on Bold Ruler Way, right off Capital of Texas Highway/Loop 360 – about two miles south of the 360 bridge.

Our Texas burn injury attorneys are ready to talk

The burn injury attorneys at Slack Davis Sanger have been serving the people of Dallas, Austin, and Fort Worth for decades and we want to help you, too. If you or a loved one were injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, please call 800-455-8686 or fill out the contact form above to get started on your case.

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