Experienced Dallas Amputation Lawyers, Texas
Helping victims of traumatic amputation and limb loss injuries in Texas
The loss of a body part is life changing. You may be left unable to work and support your family or require around-the-clock care for the rest of your life. At Slack Davis Sanger, our Dallas amputation lawyers are dedicated to helping catastrophic accident victims. We have earned the praise of our clients and the legal community for our ability to fight for clients who have life-altering injuries. If you have lost a body part because of someone else’s negligence, we want to help you get justice. Contact us today to learn more.
Did you know?
According to Amputee Coalition, nearly two million US residents are living with the loss of a limb. About 185,000 amputations occur in America each year.
Involved in an Accident?
We're Ready to Help
What are the leading causes of limb loss injuries?
A severe accident can cause a body part to be so severely damaged that it cannot be repaired. In some cases, the accident itself can sever a limb or body part. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “traumatic injury accounts for about 45% of all amputations.” Some of the leading causes of these types of injuries include:
Truck, car, and motorcycle accidents. A devastating collision can crush a person’s limbs, necessitating an amputation before the tissue begins to die. In some cases, the force of the crash may be enough to tear a limb from a body.
Workplace accidents. Industrial workers are at great risk of limb and digit loss. Machine presses and power tools can easily destroy fingers, hands, and arms. Oil and gas workers, as well as construction workers, are also at risk of limb loss. Fires, chemical burns, electrical burns, or radiation burns may so damage the tissue of an arm, leg, or another body part that amputation is required.
Defective products. Defective auto parts can cause limb-crushing injuries, and children are at risk of losing fingers or toes in poorly designed cribs and strollers.
Medical malpractice. An act of medical negligence, such as the failure to diagnose an infection like MRSA, diabetes, or cancer, can lead to an otherwise preventable amputation.
Combat. Of all the people at risk of losing a body part, it is our armed forces who face the greatest risks of all.
What complications do amputees face?
Surgeons and rehabilitation professionals have numerous concerns for their patients who require an amputation. Some of the more pressing complications and issues include:
Prosthetics. Prosthetics are medical devices that can help an amputee function. There are many factors that determine how well they work including the location of the amputation and the type of amputation. Poorly-fitted or defective prosthetics can irritate the skin, increasing the risk of infection. They can also be painful to use.
Phantom limb sensation. Most amputation victims experience sensations where the nerve connections in the brain and spinal cord “remember” the body part that was cut – making it feel like the body part is still there. Surgeons try to focus on the nerves that carry these phantom limb sensations to reduce the risk of the occurrence of the disorder.
The risk of falls. Losing a leg or foot will obviously affect a person’s balance, which can increase the risk of a fall. The lack of feeling in the prosthetic can also make it difficult for an amputee to determine whether it is safe to walk in a certain place.
Pain. Pain control is a critical part of the surgery and rehabilitation process. “A peripheral nerve block might be necessary to control pain and phantom limb sensations.”
Associated illnesses. Traumatic amputation puts victims at risk of gangrene, tissue necrosis, sepsis, and blood clots. Even the excessive bleeding associated with the traumatic loss of a limb poses a risk to victims, as it can cause life-threatening drops in blood pressure, leading to stroke.
Amputation victims face numerous obstacles to regain back part of their life. Medical care may include multiple surgeries, a lifetime of medication, and months or even years of rehabilitation and therapy. Workers may also require vocational rehabilitation to relearn how to do their current job, or to learn new skills for a new job, provided they can work at all.
What are the emotional consequences of an amputation?
Many amputation victims need long-term therapy with psychologists, amputation support groups, and other concerned professionals and counselors. It is natural for anyone who loses a leg, arm, or another body part to have numerous worries and anxieties. Many victims suffer from depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts, especially if the loss is traumatic.
How can your Dallas limb loss attorneys help?
At Slack Davis Sanger, we treat catastrophic injury victims with dignity, compassion, and grace. We understand that you face innumerable physical and emotional challenges associated with a traumatic amputation. We also know that the financial burden associated with the loss of a digit or limb is significant, and that it can change your family’s future in a heartbeat.
That is why our lawyers prepare every limb loss injury claim for trial – and every insurance company in Texas knows it. Our reputation for aggressive trial work often leads to more just and fair settlement offers from the start; even if you wish to avoid a trial, we are likely to begin negotiations from a position of strength. If the insurance companies won’t play ball, our experienced trial attorneys are ready to take your case before a jury. With two attorneys who are Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Mike Slack and Paula Sweeney, Slack Davis Sanger is prepared to fight for you by filing:
- Personal injury claims against unsafe property owners, applicable employers, airlines, trucking companies, or other negligent individuals;
- Medical malpractice claims against negligent healthcare providers, including doctors, surgeons, EMS, hospitals, and others;
- Product liability claims against manufacturers, retailers, or distributors; and/or
- Wrongful death lawsuits in cases where your loved one has died as a result of his or her injuries.
Compassionate limb loss and traumatic amputation attorneys in Dallas
At Slack Davis Sanger, our Dallas loss of limb attorneys understand how traumatic an amputation is. We work with your doctors and our medical network to help understand just how life-changing the loss of your body part is. We demand that individuals and businesses that caused the loss of your limb should compensate you for all your losses. To schedule a free consultation, please call 800-455-8686 or complete our contact form.
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Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75219
Call: 800-455-8686
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