Negligent Semi-Truck Accident Results in Catastrophic Personal Injury Lawsuit

Case Title: Branch v. Hoglo Transport

On June 30, 2012, Tara Branch was a passenger in a vehicle operated by her husband. She was seated in the front seat, and they were traveling on Alliance Parkway near the access road of Interstate 35-W in Fort Worth, Texas. As they entered the intersection, a Peterbilt tractor unit traveling at a high rate of speed ran the red light and slammed into the Branch’s car. The truck hit the passenger compartment directly, causing Ms. Branch to suffer a serious head injury. The truck weighed 40,000 pounds, and the force of it colliding with the vehicle was such that the tractor engine was driven into the firewall of the car, which was irreparably damaged. Witnesses confirmed that the truck driver did not stop at the red light, and the driver was cited for this traffic violation.

Ms. Branch lost consciousness at the scene and was taken by EMS to the hospital. CT scans showed that her skull was fractured, causing a brain hemorrhage. Over the next few months, she continued to suffer classic signs of traumatic brain injury, such as losing the ability to focus, memory loss, and other problems. These symptoms are likely permanent and impact Ms. Branch’s ability to perform her job as an elementary school teacher.

Slack Davis Sanger represented Ms. Branch in her suit against the driver/owner of the tractor-trailer. The firm secured a settlement for our client before trial to pay her medical bills and provide for future treatment and therapy.

The Slack Davis Sanger law firm is focused on helping clients who were seriously injured and those who lost loved ones in accidents. They have extensive experience with cases that arise from oilfield accidents, electrocution accidents, gas explosions, construction accidents, and heavy truck collisions.

Date of Incident

Location of Incident

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